Bringing equity to the airwaves one member at a time

The Women’s Radio Collective formed in January of 2009 at CJAM 99.1 FM. Our mandate is to attract, train and retain female volunteers to create gender equity in campus-community radio. We offer opportunities for women to learn and develop broadcasting skills to produce their own alternative media. The collective fosters female empowerment on and off the airwaves, and encourages members to assert their feminist perspectives.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Moon Power

Hope all enjoyed the Jan. 28th edition of Genesis hosted by myself and also Rachel of the brand new CJAM Women's Radio Collective. If you missed it you can just download the show! Thanks very much again to Professor Nancy Gobatto from the Women's Studies department for contributing so many great ideas and comments in the interview which was broadcasted during the show. The interview or a link to it will be posted on this blog shortly. The quote about the rhythm method as being the only "non-sexist" form of birth control was taken from the book "A Cooperative Method of Natural Birth Control" by Margaret Nofziger. We discussed alot of issues including the origin of the word "menstruation" as well as the language used in advertising and society to describe or refer to the process. Also, we talked about the menstrual cup of which more info can be found in the post about this alternative menstrual product on a blog called No Soap For Sale. There was also an interesting article we used concerning advertising methods for menstrual products called "A Candid Look At Menstrual Products - Advertising and Public Relations". Rachel and I really enjoyed putting a feminist perspective on these issues into the spotlight and with luck we got everyone thinking!
-Nicole Markham

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Unconventional Territory

So we had a great Slits show! The first month of the Women's Collective shows at CJAM have been a success. This week on Jan 19th, myself and Christina Naccorato hosted an hour long special on The Slits. Avant-garde, jungle, dub, post-punk, raw and unpolished females rocking out and sending a message while they're at it. THE SLITS HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY and you should take the time to listen! Download the show that aired from 5-6pm and/or check out Christina's blog post as well as mine on the Washing Machine blog. There will also be a future post on the upcoming Wednesday Jan. 28th installment of Genesis on the topic of and issues surrounding menstruation hosted by myself and Rachel Pipitone.
-Nicole Markham