Bringing equity to the airwaves one member at a time

The Women’s Radio Collective formed in January of 2009 at CJAM 99.1 FM. Our mandate is to attract, train and retain female volunteers to create gender equity in campus-community radio. We offer opportunities for women to learn and develop broadcasting skills to produce their own alternative media. The collective fosters female empowerment on and off the airwaves, and encourages members to assert their feminist perspectives.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Women's Collective & Smash the Glass 09

Smash the Glass is an annual music festival in Windsor that celebrates and puts the focus on female talent! Come out and support female musicians for one night of indie at Phog Lounge on the 26th and one night of punk and hardcore at the Chubby Pickle on the 27th! BOTH SHOWS START AT 7PM SO ARRIVE EARLY! CJAM Women's Radio Collective members Cristina Naccarato and Sonia Nizzer are the organizers and other members of the collective are also a part of the festival. (Nicole Markham of the Washing Machine makes up The Floral Prints with Jessica O'Neil - come see their indie folk stylings at 8:30pm on Thursday!) Don't miss the chance to enjoy and encourage women in music, most of whom are local acts! Proceeds go to charity so it is a win-win for all. For more, visit Cristina's post on her blog Wake-Up-Grrl.